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Testing laboratories

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The accreditation of a testing laboratory proves that the laboratory produces reliable results with the testing methods that are included in its scope of accreditation. 

Among other things, accredited testing laboratories are service laboratories,public research laboratories and industrial laboratories. Examples of laboratory fields include food, health building, environmental and feed testing, as well as the testing of materials and products. Environmental testing includes emissions measurements and testing of fuels. The fields of testing of materials and products include construction products, acoustical measurements, and electrical equipment and accessories.

Testing laboratories use accreditation as a mean to demonstrate their competence to their clients. Many tendering processes both in Finland and abroad require that competence is demonstrated through accreditation. Many authorities utilise accreditation when approving organisations for official duties. In such cases, competence requirements have been defined in legislation.


There is close cooperation between authorities in different areas on the development of operations and the exchange of information in the accreditation of testing activities. Examples include the testing of building products in accordance with the EU product legislation (Ministry of the Environment) and testing relating to vehicles, traffic and railroads (Finnish Transport and Communications Agency Traficom).​

A technical support group called VERA has been set up for water, food and animal feed analysis, as well as for healthy building analysis. Read more about VERA ​on our website.

Accreditation of testing labor​atories is also implemented in cooperation with international programmes in various fields. The cooperation includes the assessment of doping laboratories with the World Anti-Doping Agency WADA.

Requirements and guidelines (updated 2.4.2024)

Accreditation requirement for testing laboratories is one of these standards:

SFS-EN ISO/IEC 17025:2017 General requirements for the competence of testing and​ ​calibration laboratories

SFS-EN ISO 15189:2022 Medical laboratories. Requirements for quality and competence

Mandatory guidelines relating to accreditation of testing laboratories

​Guidelines relating to testing laboratories

Examples of guidelines for testing laboratories are given below. The list does not necessarily cover all guidelines prepared for the accredited activities. More guidelines relating to testing are published by Eurachem and Eurolab on their websites.

Note: The links to the ILAC guidelines are download links: 

Publications of FINAS that support the activity of testing laboratories

FINAS information letters

Accreditation symbol

Accredited bodies are entitled to use the FINA​S accreditation symbol, which consists of the FINAS logo, the accredited body's identification number and the accreditation requirement. The FINAS accreditation symbol must be used when the accredited body refers to the accreditation in its reports, for example.

Accredited testing laboratories use an identifier in which the identification number of the accredited body is of the format TXXX.​​


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accreditation; laboratories; testing
