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We train experts into technical assessors

Expert assessors from various fields are required for accreditation and the related assessment visits. FINAS trains technical assessors for such tasks. Our assessors are top experts in their fields

Assessors must have the following skills:
• Several years of practical experience and proficiency in the activity being assessed
• Up-to-date knowledge of the field in question
• Suitability for an assessor’s tasks, especially strong interaction skills and good oral and written skills
• Experience of acting as an internal auditor is an advantage

Accreditation is also being sought for new fields
Newly qualified technical assessors are needed in our constantly changing world. Our customers operate in a wide range of sectors.

How to qualify as a technical assessor?
We are continuously seeking new evaluators for various fields. We organise courses, providing you with basic information on the work of an assessor. Individual practical training is then arranged for trainee assessors.
Course dates and a more detailed programme can be found here.

If you are interested in becoming an assessor and would like more details, please contact us!

Technical assessor